Frontend Software Engineering + UI/UX Design + Technical Consultation

Leveraging Software Development and Design Strategy to Improve User Experiences.

My name is Nathan Keeys – I'm a frontend software engineer and UI/UX designer. I provide services that help businesses design, strategize, and build websites and software. I've contributed as a frontend engineer and UI/UX designer for almost a decade, working on user interfaces for websites and web applications of all sizes. Currently, my focus is on UI/UX design strategy, process and workflow efficiency, and frontend web/software engineering. I also speak and teach workshops on design, creative coding, and frontend development.

Set up a 1:1 consultation

UI/UX Technical Consulting

As a UI/UX technical consultant, I bridge the gaps between design and front-end development processes, improving workflows and project efficiency for startups, design agencies, and consultancies. I deliver key results designed to eliminate pain points when working on complex user experiences and interfaces.

  • UI/UX Design and Frontend Workflow Audits
  • Web Accessibility & Performance Optimization Audits
  • Design-to-Development Handoff Strategy
  • Documentation, Templating and Automation
  • Technology Adoption Research and Strategy
  • Interactive UI Development Workshops / Training
  • Designer and Developer Mentorship

(Frontend) Software Development

As an individual contributor, I help software teams implement frontend solutions with a focus in human-centered design, web accessibility, interactivity, and scalability.

  • React + Vue.js + Typescript + Next.js
  • Three.js + WebGL
  • Node.js (Express) + Python (FastAPI)
  • MongoDB + Postgres + MySql
  • Docker + AWS Codepipeline + CI/CD
  • Web Accessibility (WCAG + ADA + Section 508)
  • Figma + Adobe CS + Blender
  • Playwright + Zustand + Cypress + Jest


CarpeDM Dating - Fullstack Development + Stripe Implementation

DC's Exclusive Dating App for Professional Black Women! I helped CarpeDM Dating build a member portal so users can update their dating profile information with ease.

80% Cacao Music - Interactive Web Development

I designed and built out a minimal one-pager for a electronic music project of mine. Feel free to check it out the music!

My Work Week (VA) - Fullstack Development + Web Accessibility

UI/UX in healthcare requires a lot of research, empathy, and understanding of healthcare processes. I worked with a team of designers, researchers, and engineers to help deliver a patient appointment scheduling application for clinicians at VA hospitals.

FBI Jobs - Frontend Development + Content Architecture

No, this isn’t a security risk—you just might be watch too much true crime. I was a lead on the front-end development team that built the most recent FBI Jobs website. - Interactive Web Development is an award-winning interactive experience I built that allows users to experiment with 3D grid planes and Perlin noise.

RP3 Agency - Frontend Development + UI Prototyping

While on the RP3 creative technology team, I provided UI/UX design consulting, UI prototyping and frontend Drupal development for their current website.

Vinvox - SVG Animation

I built a SVG-based point animation system for Vinvox's current website.


  • 06/12/2024

    Three.js Fundamentals - The Collab Lab - Remote

  • 11/10/2023

    Creative Coding Workshop (Three.js) - Women Who Code (now WiSE Women in Software Engineering JP) - Ginza Tokyo, JP

  • 08/2021 - 10/2022

    Fullstack Bootcamp - 2U Bootcamps - Arlington, VA

  • 01/2018 - 03/2018

    Mentor - AIGA SHINE Mentorship - Washington DC